
MHP carries out economic activities, focusing on the principles of sustainable development
Each of the MHP enterprises has a full-time ecologist or a person who, according to the order of the management, is responsible for environmental protection. We entrust this work only to the specialists who have completed advanced training courses, successfully passed exams and received standard certificates.

Environmental protection

Every day, the experts responsible for environmental protection deal with the following issues:

  1. compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation
  2. systematic reduction of the formation of production and operating costs
  3. reduction of losses of energy and other resources, in particular, volumes of water use
  4. reduction of the impact of the holding companies on the environment
  5. the prevention of environmental emergencies and accidents that can lead to significant environmental pollution
Environmental protection

The vertically integrated business model of MHP includes complexes for the production of biogas derived from plant biomass, animal by-products and wastewater, etc. Herewith, the grain dryers are being refurbished at the feed mills to work on sunflower husks instead of natural gas. A pilot plant for the production of fuel briquettes from grain waste has been in operation for over a year. This helps to obtain the fuel from renewable sources, as well as significantly reduce the load on the local landfill.


Animal welfare

Healthy poultry is the first step toward qualitative and safe food production. Realising the importance of social responsibility of business, MHP implements and maintains the humane treatment of animals in all our enterprises. The policy of humane treatment of animals, developed in accordance with local and European regulations, is based on the following points:

Quality food

The animals receive compound feeds for which raw materials are grown at MHP enterprises. This ensures the food quality control. In addition, the animals are always provided with fresh drinking water in the required amount.

Quality food

Creating comfortable conditions

We provide for the environment for keeping where the animals have a suitable microclimate and sufficient space for free movement.

Creating comfortable conditions

Health safety

The main policy of MHP is that the prevention better than cure. That is why the animals are always under the supervision of competent specialists, undergoing the preventive vaccinations and receiving (if required) the prompt treatment.

Health safety

Interaction with qualified personnel

Veterinary supervision of livestock and poultry is provided for exclusively by the professional specialists having the required level of competence.

Interaction with qualified personnel

We follow the regulations based on the international standards, doing our best to eliminate the risk of injury, fear and stress in animals. All employees involved in working with poultry have been trained in the competent regulatory authority of Ukraine — the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection, and received appropriate certificates confirming their level of knowledge in the field of humane treatment of animals.

While considering (and that is a key difference) the safety of the entire production cycle, including stocking density and other aspects of animal welfare, biosecurity, environmental protection and employee welfare.

The bird is supervised from the age of one day

Every day the specialists of the zoological inspection service verify the quality of the litter, the microclimate of the poultry house, the availability of food and water, the general condition of the animals. Discarded individuals (developmental delays, weakened, with signs of injury, lameness or natural injury, etc.) are removed from the herd in a humane manner.
Strict control of the Salmonella genus bacteria is implemented at MHP enterprises for breeding and keeping poultry. Thus, the standardised measures have been implemented to prevent and exclude the appearance of the Salmonella genus bacteria:

  1. the pest control;
  2. the input control of raw materials;
  3. personal hygiene of the staff;
  4. the management of waste and by-products of animal origin;
  5. the washing and disinfection of poultry houses, hatcheries, slaughterhouses and processing shops of complexes, production, refrigeration and storage facilities, recyclable polymer containers, vehicles, etc. and constant laboratory quality control of such activities.
The bird is supervised from the age of one day

No acts of violence or abuse are allowed

During catching birds for transportation or slaughter. Animal welfare inspectors ensure that the procedure is performed when the individuals are calm, clean and at rest. The conditions of the animals’ stay are carefully monitored during transportation to reduce the possibility of stress and suffering.

MHP has implemented a feedback procedure between the slaughterhouses and poultry farms to assess the welfare of poultry during breeding and transportation. The slaughterhouses are governed by clear KPI on health and welfare, damage and injury to birds during capture and transportation. The farms assess the compliance with regulations, according to the KPI, in case of non-compliance, we initiate a corporate investigation to identify the causes.

Continuous monitoring ensures that animals are treated in a humane manner at all stages of production, eliminating the risk of cruelty.

Humane treatment of animals policy Download

Quality control

Product quality and safety is the main priority of MHP

At all MHP enterprises control of each stage of production is carried out that allows to provide the highest quality of production and conformity to the established safety standards.

MHP has a clear and well-established system:

  • All comments and suggestions about the product are carefully processed
    by competent professionals, no inquiry is left without a relevant response
  • If necessary, further actions aimed at improving the work are determined
    in the operational mode
  • MHP specialists are constantly undergoing advanced training
  • Products produced at MHP enterprises undergo multi-level control
Quality control
Quality control

Production quality control

Products produced at MHP enterprises undergo multi-level control over:

  • The quality of production facilities and incoming consumers
  • Compliance by specialists with veterinary and sanitary, sanitary and hygienic requirements and technological processes of production
  • Compliance with the requirements of Ukrainian and European legislation
  • Implemented systems of food safety systems and implemented quality management systems
  • Compliance with corporate standards by specialists of the central office of MHP — Department of Technology, Quality and Food Safety.

MHP enterprises pay special attention

To growing healthy poultry and ensuring full development. That is why we produce compound feeds from our own raw materials and carefully monitor compliance with the most natural conditions (temperature, humidity, circulation, free space). The incubation process is fully automated, and from the age of one day, is constantly monitored by qualified professionals.

Modern technologies of production, processing and packaging of products that meet the highest international standards have been introduced at MHP enterprises for the production of poultry meat products.

In particular, MHP enterprises have passed and annually confirm the following certification:

  • BRC Food Safety — International food safety standard.
  • FSSC 22000 — Food/feed safety certification scheme.
  • ISO 22000 (DSTU ISO 22000) — Food safety management system.
  • GlobalGAP — Integrated management system of agricultural production.
  • HALAL — System of voluntary certification for compliance with the canons of Islam.

Careful laboratory control

At all enterprises that are part of the MHP group, laboratory tests are conducted, which also helps to control the quality of production and finished products.

We carry out careful control over:

  • Quality of input raw materials, ingredients and materials
  • Quality of finished products
  • Sewage, groundwater, surface water, biological sludge and organic mixtures
  • Sanitary condition of equipment, production, storage, laboratory premises and adjacent territory, production staff of the enterprise, etc.

We know that laboratory control during all stages of production is an additional guarantee of quality and safety of food products.

Product life cycle tracking

MHP has a well-established process of control of the entire integrated system, which allows you to trace the entire stage of production (growing, catching, slaughtering, processing, transportation, etc.). The MHP system is tested at least once a year to confirm its effectiveness and efficiency.

Protection against falsification

MHP has implemented systems to reduce the risk of malicious food crime, namely:


Access control

Only persons related to production activities have access to the territory of the enterprise, vehicles are parked outside the production facility, there is a system of passes, in addition, the territory is equipped with an alarm system to prevent unauthorised actions.

Internal security

There is a confirmation of identity and qualifications before hiring, employees are instructed in safety. Systems of secure correspondence and communication between departments have also been introduced.

Counterfeit detection

Special multidisciplinary teams have been introduced at MHP enterprises, the purpose of which is to protect consumers from food fraud and to minimize the vulnerability of enterprises to economically motivated intentional criminal acts.

Food quality and safety policy Download